Plastic nozzles are assembled by special machines under high pressure into the laser cutting holes on the fabric air duct. The nozzles are intended to increase the air speed, resulting in an excellent increase in the efficiency of air distribution from the fabric duct to the room. The Plastic nozzles are therefore suitable for ventilation, cooling and heating
The air distribution in the cooling systems is not difficult, because cold air always reaches the bottom of the room space due to its higher density. But the air distribution is more complicated in case of heating, because warm air always rises upward, making it more difficult, especially for high rooms where air from the fabric duct may not fill the occupied zone
The application of nozzles in fabric outlets is primarily intended to solve the problem of the distribution of warm air. Increasing the speed of air leaving the nozzles guarantees that air will be delivered to the desired area
Since the application of nozzles increases the speed of the supplied air, nozzles are most suitable for rooms with high ceilings. The nozzle ensures that the supplied air reaches the occupied zone even in high hall
Euro Air supplies nozzles in a variety of sizes, from small 18mm to big 60mm, with up to 10 standard colors, and any RAL color according to customer requirements at an additional cost
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